Replica Prada Bags

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Discover our exquisite collection of high-quality Prada Bags. Explore our wide range of top-notch replica prada bags, available in attractive colorways, exclusively at Trendy Replicas.
Prada was founded in 1913 by Mario Prada, Miuccia Prada's grandfather, in Milan. Located in the prestigious Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Prada was an exclusive, stylish store selling luggage, accessories and luxury goods, in fine materials and of sophisticated workmanship. The Milan store quickly became a firm favourite with the Italian aristocracy and the most sophisticated members of the European elite. In 1919 Prada received the warrant of "Official Supplier of the Italian Royal Household", and since then has been able to display the royal Savoy coat of arms and figure-of-eight knots alongside the company logo..
