All of the handbags we sell are replicas, meaning that they were not made by the original brand name owner. However, we go to great lengths in replicating our handbags by using almost all the same materials (in most cases all the same materials) that are used in making the originals so as to have our replicas look and feel the same as the originals but cost much less!
You can be sure that if you purchase one of our replica designer handbags that no one will be able to notice that it is anything less than an original.
If we do not have a certain model advertised on our website it means one of 3 things:
We do not or have not started to reproduce this model yet.
We could not find a good source to buy this model from yet.
There is not enough demand for this model yet.
That being said most important is the demand for any model so if you really want us to carry a certain model then please get in touch with us by email or leave us feedback on our site letting us know which item you would like to see us carry and we will take it in to consideration and you might see it on our site very soon.
Above all else, we are sure that the quality of our replica handbags is absolutely the highest. Our company has gone a long way towards establishing a series of checks and controls that ensure the product you receive is a perfect stand-in for the original.
Our design team takes their time establishing not only the correct pattern of the bag, but also the exact placement of every single stitch and feature. Because we craft our own replicas, not buy them from a supplier like other companies, we are able to oversee every aspect of production. We use all the same materials that the original handbag calls for, with no skimping. All embossed logos, all serial numbers, all engraved designer logos on snaps, each zipper pull – all of these aspects will be in place. We also go above and beyond – each of our designer replica handbags comes with all of the tags, extra/extension straps, branded dust bags and care cards that you would receive if you were getting the real thing.
All products ordered from are shipped via EMS or DHL.We will inform you with tracking No. by email as soon as your order is shipped out.
You can see the freight fee appearing when you check out,the average amount we charge is $45.
We will arrange to deliver your order within 3 days after the payment are confirmed to be received. Normally, you can receive your order within 5 business days once it is shipped out. We will email you the tracking No. to follow up.
We have many years experience in shipping products worldwide. We guarantee that the items will be sent to you directly.
Yes, all our products come with an extensive 7 Days Money-Back Guarantee during which you can return the products for a refund. Please refer to "Return Policy"for the detailed specification.
Yes, we supply to buy wholesale,The minimum wholesale order of $4,400. Payments via Western Union Only.In order to get the discount, load your cart with $8000 worth products and you will receive 45% off (Total of $4,400).
It's pretty easy, just contact our customer service by email, we will reply you as soon as possible.