What can I say about this bag! Initially when I found the website and didn't see many reviews I was skeptical about ordering it and whether I would actually received the item, I'd see this bag in the Paris Chanel shop and fell in love with it! The customer service was great from when I began my enquiries and the sales team were efficient in getting back to me too. I then went ahead with the order and made my purchase. I was continously being updated with the progress of my order (which I must admit I was surprised about because I wasn't even sure if I would hear anything back). I had emails informing me that it is being processed, shipped tracking number and then text messages to let me know it has arrived in the United Kingdom and I would need to pay my import duty (which was minimal) . The next day (as in today) I had a text message to say it will be delivered today! I couldn't believe it!! My Channel Handbags which I have been wanting for so long now was finally arriving! It took 7 working days from the day of my order (as stated on the website) I was absolutely impressed!! The bag is exactly as shown in the pictures and described. My husband knew how much I wanted this bag and after seeing it he couldn't believe it too and he thinks it's a great purchase. I love my bag and I will definitely be buying from trendyreplicas.com in the future. Thank you trendyreplicas.com for your great service :)