Chanel Large shopping bag A93087 Y60812 2B633

$390.00 $468.00
Collection:Shopping Bag
Material:sheepskin light gold metal
Size:H24 x W32 x D14CM
Style ID:A93087 Y60812 2B633

Product info

Large shopping bag sheepskin & light gold metal in navy blue A93087
Size:9.4 x 12.6 x 5.5 in
H24 x W32 x D14CM

Model: A93087 Y60812 2B633
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Sep 14, 2019
99.92% of users found this review helpful

Just got my large shopping bag A93087 the other day. Just love it! I did a lot of checking on the real one and the detail and softness of my replica is an exact match. Can't wait to buy another one.

From: North Potomac,USA

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